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Basket Gift Box

Basket Shape Gift Box
Basket Shape Gift Box
Basket Shape Gift Box

Basket Gift Box


Die-cut in the shape of a basket these gift boxes are made up of Glittery Tan colored Hand-made paper which gives it a very classy look. These boxes can hold up to 200 grams of confectionery sweets or any other small gift article. Do not forget to enquire about the color options available.

We can also customize this box with stickers & labels as per the requirement.


Die-cut in a small basket type, this gift box is made of a glittery hand-made paper that can hold up to 200 grams of confectionery sweets. Useful for various occasions like return gift for Baby Shower, sweets distribution on any festivals, etc…

Do feel free to check with us about the color options available. We can also customize the gift boxes with stickers and labels as per your requirement.